Thursday, December 20, 2012

VOC Coin and a USSR Stamp

Once upon a time, I had a hobby. Numismatics, they called it. Coin collection is a very interesting pastime. My sister was a philatelist. But both of us lost interest in numismatics and philately over a same period of time. My sister went a step further forgetting she ever had a collection. Finally today, I retrieved both my coin album and my sister's stamp collection from the garage. Hiding deep under the old green-Sintex barrel, both albums look as new as ever.

The siblings' collection is not big at all. Coins number around 40, I guess. Stamps number even more, pretty sure about that. Such a restricted collection is no excitement, save for one piece. The oldest and favorite coin of all is a 1753, VOC issued one. For a long time I was misled to believe the coin belonged to the British Empire, by the lion-crest on the reverse. While I was surfing to collect some information about my coin the truth dawned. The coin was minted and issued by Dutch East Indies Company or Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, VOC, "United East India Company". The search for data on my coin also introduced me to couple of decent coin-collection websites, Catawiki Coin Catalogue and Coin, both divulge possible information on coins, seller details and auction amounts. Well, going through my old coin collection make me feel nostalgic. I feel like starting again some old habits, wish they die hard.
1966-USSR: "Society and Technology" shows Luna 9 space mission and Moon
I am also sharing a 1966 USSR stamp, from my sister's collection, obviously. It commemorates Luna 9 space mission, under Society and technology series. Those who are interested in philately in general please visit, 123RF.

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