Monday, December 24, 2012

Does Our Universe Exist Within A Black Hole?

Simulated view of black hole in front of large Magellanic clouds
The universe never ceases to amaze me. So, does the discipline of cosmology. Earlier I had posted a piece on the possibility of our Universe's existence as a simulation programmed from future. Whether it's true or not, that isn't the only explanation, not at all. Hypothesis, regardless of their truth value or final result under a scientific observation, embodies human creativity and imagination. A poem of fine quality written in sciences, many hypotheses are. What do we know about our Universe? Nothing, my answer is. The more we make an attempt at understanding it, as a layman, the better we are informed of our ignorance. True, wisdom is not the perfect knowledge but our understanding of the depth of our imperfection.

Nikodem Poplawski
Indiana University theoretical physicist, Nikodem Poplawski, proposes a radical yet viable idea about the origin and existence our universe. Using Euclidean mathematical modelling (God knows what it is!) he puts forward the notion of our Universe's existence within a black hole, probably inside the worm hole. As most physics enthusiasts know, two great pillars of modern-day physics are Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Max Planck's Quantum Mechanics. Since the proposal of these ground breaking ideas physicists have been trying to incorporate both. It is also quintessential in the quest for the so-called theory of everything aka the Unified Field Theory. As of now, both theories of relativity and quantum mechanics remain separate. Relativity explains happenings of macro scale such as black hole, galaxies etc and Quantum mechanics explain working of particles at atomic levels. Scientists wish to integrate both into one Quantum Gravity. If so, it could well explain many mysteries that dodge physicists such as the dark energy, the cosmological constant, acceleration, existence of singularities etc. Our guy, Nikodem Poplawski, offers an explanation, he believes, answer these scenarios best, by far.

Nikodem Poplawski explains that the universe exists within a black hole and our parent black hole itself could exist within another larger universe. The implication is that our universe's building blocks were routed from an external source. He also seeks help of Einstein-Cartan gravity model, a 1960 adaptation of Theory of Relativity, in the explanation of spin and torsion. Apparently every particle has a spin, the result of which is a torsion. Torsion in simple words means a uni-dimensional rod twisted. If the rod is too thin the twist in unrecognizable. The torsion produces repulsive forces, a possible answer to the existence of dark energy, acceleration and the mismatch between the proportions of matter and anti-matter. As per the hypothesis, the gravitational attraction overpowers torsion but torsion eventually grows stronger enough to halt compression of matter into infinite density. Thus matter gain a finite density. Such a dense state leads to the production of infinite particles, increasing the mass of the black hole. The increasing number of particles with spin leads to greater repulsive torsion forces and a 'big bounce' occurs, thus the expansion of universe happens. Well, interesting and intriguing, isn't it?

The problem is if at all baby universes are being created in every black holes, would we ever be able to contact them. Not a likely scenario, is it? Or is the physicist right at all? The long and arduous research holds the answer. Time shall reveal the truth. For more detailed information please read the report at Inside Science. The scientific inaccuracies about the descriptions of the theory may be excused. 

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